Welcome to Delta Direct, information delivered differently. With the current COVID-19 limitations on gatherings and meetings we have taken a proactive approach to providing you the much needed information. With recent rain events and arguably the best early break in a decade we are pleased to provide you this extensive list of short videos (under 5min), compiled by the Delta Ag southern agronomy team, enjoy.
Monday 11th May 2020
Ryegrass escapes and post emergent ryegrass options
Harry Wakefield - Delta Ag Lockhart
Monday 6th April 2020
Residual herbicide plant backs following a dry year
Henry Mitton - Delta Ag Temora
Mixed forage grazing crops
Tom De Mattia - Delta Ag Wagga
Phosphorous rates following a dry season
Mitch Scifleet - Delta Ag Coolamon
Grazing withholding periods on key pre-sowing chemistry
Harry Wakefield - Delta Ag Lockhart
Importance of the double knock strategy
Heidi Gooden - Delta Ag Lockhart
New pre-emergent herbicides
Vanessa Strong - Delta Ag Coolamon
Stock health following a green flush
Sophie Perret - Delta Ag Henty
New varieties and where they fit
David White - Delta Ag Yerong Creek
Mitigating Crown Rot risks
Mark Bruest - Delta Ag Temora